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The Greater Manchester Older People’s Equality Panel (GMOPEP) is comprised of older people (aged 50 and over) and organisational representatives who have an interest in or focus on working with older people. The panel has membership from across Greater Manchester and aims to be a representative voice for older people in the city region. 


  • To support, and constructively challenge, delivery of the Greater Manchester Strategy by strengthening the voice of older people from diverse backgrounds in shaping and influencing policy development, strategic decision making and delivery across Greater Manchester.

  • To promote the significance of older people as key contributors to communities.

  • To ensure the voice of older people has influence in a consistent manner across Greater Manchester.


To identify and consider the diverse issues of concern to older people within Greater Manchester.

To engage with Greater Manchester strategies, so that older people can influence policies that support the creation of age-friendly neighbourhoods.

To provide the opportunity for older people to promote and share a positive perspective on ageing in Greater Manchester.

Actions for the panel 


The panel have decided to prioritise 3 issues which lie within or across the three themes for the updated GM Age Friendly Strategy.

Three working groups have been formed to address issues and concerns for older people relating to:


  • Financial hardship for older people

  • Care settings

  • Digital participation

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